Q. What is a bypass filter?
A. A bypass filter is a device for removing solid contamination from lubricating oil. This type of filter is capable of removing extremely small size particles from the oil by providing filtration in depth through a densely packed filtering media. Oil flow through the bypass type filter is controlled at a rate so deliberate that it can trap and remove from the oil extremely small solid particles. This type of filter does not have a bypass valve built in. This means that when the filtering element is plugged up, the oil flow is stopped.
Q. Just how efficient is the Frantz Filter System?
A. On the basis of laboratory reports which have been received from independent oil testing facilities, the Frantz Filter System is the most efficient oil filter that is commercially available for engines today. Even after many thousands of miles of use, oil filtered through a Frantz Filter System will be free of contamination to such a degree that it is considered analytically clean and suitable for further use.
Q. Why is the Frantz Filter better than other filters?
A. The Frantz Filter System is better because it is more efficient. Its specialized element provides a greater depth of filtering media through which the oil must pass (4 1/2″ of depth filtration) thus permitting it to remove more contaminants and solid particles of a much smaller size than the conventional bypass filter. In addition, it will remove up to 6 ounces of water from the oil.
Q. Who can install my Frantz Filter System?
A. Installing the Frantz Filter system is simple. Most often, the vehicle owner installs them as a Do-It-Yourself project at home. However, the system may also be installed by your local mechanic in less than one hours time.
Q. What is a full-flow filter?
A. A full-flow filter is a device for filtering, removing solid contamination from lubricating oil. In principle, full-flow filtration can be without a doubt the ultimate in oil filtration in that all oil flowing directly to the bearings must first pass through the full-flow filter. However, in actual practice, because of the cost and size limitations, the full-flow filter is no more than a coarse strainer and must be built to guarantee against restricting the oil supply to the engine. The demands of the engine require that bypass valves be built into the system to insure an oil supply to the bearings when the filter will not handle the required volume. These bypass valves bleed at 3 p.s.i. and open wide at 9 p.s.i. differential pressure across the filter. These pressures may be frequently exceeded on starting the engine and also during normal operation when the filter becomes restricted with contamination. When this occurs, unfiltered dirty oil bypasses the filter and flows directly to the bearings. Despite its practical limitations of keeping the oil clean, it does provide the bearings with some protection by removing particles larger than 80 microns in size.
Q. Is there any way that I can visually distinguish a bypass filter from a full-flow filter?
A. Generally on automobile engines, a bypass filter is connected independently to an engine with external lines. The full-flow filter is normally attached directly to the engine block without external lines. Occasionally a full-flow filter may be installed with external oil lines; however, these lines will be large in diameter (approximately the size of a garden hose).
Q. Will the Frantz Oil Cleaner/Filter lower engine oil pressures?
A. No. The engine oil pump will produce many times the volume required by the engine and the by-pass filter. Most of the oil pumped is excess and returns directly to the crankcase through the oil pressure regulator valve.
Q. Will the Frantz Oil Cleaner/Filter solve the problem of fuel dilution?
A. Fuel dilution of lube oil is a problem that no filter can solve. Fuel dilution is not a problem in a properly adjusted engine, as the fuel is evaporated from a hot engine crankcase at a rate which is dependent on the engine temperature reached and the time maintained relative to the number of starts made or the amount of raw fuel added by an engine malfunction.
Q. Will the Frantz Oil Cleaner/Filter remove acid from the oil?
A. The Frantz Filter Bypass System will not remove acid from the oil. It will prevent the formation of corrosive acid by removing the water from oil. Without water, corrosive acids cannot be formed. Numerous laboratory analyses have shown no acidity content in oil filtered through the Frantz Filter Bypass System even after many thousands of miles of use.
Note: K Acidity (Modification of A.S.T.M. method D974-55T.) See Nov. 1957 edition of American Society for Testing Materials, page 434, i.e., no general relationship between bearing corrosion and acid numbers is known. Naphtholbenzein green-blue indicator is used instead of pink Phenolphthalein, to detect the total acidity of both weak and strong acids. The values of acidity tests are doubtful.
Q. Why are clamps needed in addition to the push-on hose fittings?
A. Although push-on hose fittings were originally designed to form a perfect seal, it has been determined that the additional use of the Oetiker clamps provides prolonged safety and security of the hose connections. (This is highly recommended by the current manufacturer, for long term use and satisfaction similar to Automobile manufacturer procedures.)
Q. Does the Frantz Oil Cleaner/Filter line wear out?
A. The oil line used with the Frantz Filter Bypass System is the best quality oil line obtainable for its purpose. It will give years of satisfactory service with little or no maintenance; however, like any rubber-like material, it can become weathered over a period of years. When the Frantz Filter Bypass System is transferred to a new vehicle, we recommend that the hose be replaced as a safety precaution.
Note: When oil line shows any indication of deterioration (hardening or cracking) it should be replaced.
Q. What is the effective life of the Base Tetra Seal?
A. Gaskets of ALL materials have a limited life. The standard practice in the filter industry is to replace the gasket each time the filter is removed whether or not it is deteriorated or damaged.
Rubber-like gasket materials take a permanent set under compression, particularly under elevated temperatures which tend to speed age hardening. As far as we know, the gasket material that will overcome these problems has not yet been invented. These are plain “gasket facts”, and we must live with them.
Our Base Tetra Seal gasket can be successfully reused if it is turned each time the media is changed. For best results, it should be rolled 90 degrees so that the top surface becomes the outer diameter. As long as the gasket remains soft and pliable this system will work. A good practice would be to change the gasket on every filter change if possible.
Thoroughly clean the gasket and groove when reusing or installing a new gasket. Dirt is frequently the cause of leakage.