Most of you are more than likely familiar with the Frantz Filter System in relation to the automotive industry, your grandpa probably was too! For over 60 years, the Frantz Filter has been a leading innovator in the cleaning of engine oil in cars and trucks. As the automotive market continues to flourish for Frantz, Lubrication Specialties, Inc. is currently engineering these filters for more applications and developing new filter media.
Generators, construction equipment, hydraulics and marine are all areas that the Frantz Filter is moving towards. The Frantz Filter innovation allows it to be compatible with most diesel or gasoline combustion engines. Companies are saving thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours each year in maintenance and services on their equipment and fleet vehicles. We are looking forward to the future of the Frantz Filter, and proud to have served readers like you in the past!
Injection molding machines have oil tanks containing sometimes over 100 gallons of oil depending on the size of the machine. Very expensive to change. Contamination can cause servo valves to hang up which produces scrap parts , production interruptions and lots of downtime.
some operators now have by-pass filters but many machines do not.
Injection molding facilities are very common in almost any larger industrial park.
Any mfg. of plastic parts operates one , or many.